Smart Electric Solution

Empower the Traditional Electrical Industry

Nowadays, electric energy and big data information are everywhere. IFREEQ integrates these two resources through the original AI+IoT Cloud Platform and provides complete smart electrical solutions to make your home more comfortable and convenient. Meanwhile, security and stability have been improved.

Common Communication Protocols

The IFREEQ platform supports multi-specification plug-and-play modules of common communication protocols, including Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth, NB-IoT, and beyond to meet the requirements of various forms of products.

Open-Source Hardware Solutions

IFREEQ electrical solutions enable electrical products to be smart. In light of technical difficulties and product challenges in the industry, IFREEQ outputs reference design documents including software, hardware, and production integration, helping enterprises to quickly embark on the road of intelligence.

SoC No-Code Solutions

IFREEQ AI+IoT Development Platform quickly empowers smart transformation of electrical products within one day at the earliest, and opens up the smart big data strategies and operations of devices, cloud services, and controllers to maximize commercial value.

Professional and Comprehensive App Panels


Panel Studio

Panel Studio is a tool platform for creating DIY panels on the PC. You can adjust the theme style, arrange the function layout, design the style and color of function components, and develop a branded control panel to easily control and manage devices.

Multiple Series of Innovative Panels

The original app panels for electrical products offer numerous theme options, including switch Skeuomorphism style, functional display style, and minimalist style, suitable for various use occasions.


Full Range of Electric Categories

The IoT electrical product line has nearly 100 sets of panel styles, covering sockets, switches, controllers, and energy metering products. Choose whatever you want, and try product functions with zero development cycle.

Stable and Reliable Control

The standard app panel is a mobile product control panel provided by IFREEQ to connect and control smart products. The professional R&D team has made professional compatibility and optimization, while the most cutting-edge technology is used to ensure an innovative interactive experience.

Advanced Timing

With a preset schedule, you can control every second of your life no matter where you are, even when the internet is unavailable.

Cycle Timing

Standard functions, supporting SoC and MCU integration methods, are used in various indoor or outdoor application scenarios, such as aquarium oxygenation, lawn watering, and more. You can set a total cycle time, and set the on/off periods within the total cycle time. The on/off period must be greater than one minute.

Vacation Timing and Anti-theft Timing

Standard functions, supporting SoC and MCU integration methods, are used in various indoor or outdoor application scenarios, such as simulating commuting timing during vacation, courtyard anti-theft timing, and more. During this time period, the device will be powered on and off according to a random pattern.


Power-off Delay Timing

Standard functions, supporting SoC and MCU integration methods, are used in various indoor or outdoor application scenarios, such as power-off delay of a lawn socket or corridor switch, to achieve an automation scenario to "power on the device, run a specific time, and then power off automatically". You do not need to set the delay timer frequently.

Sunrise and Sunset Timing

Standard functions, supporting SoC and MCU integration methods, are used in various indoor or outdoor application scenarios, such as power control of a lawn socket with sunrise and sunset, wakeup timing of a curtain switch, and more. After a sunrise and sunset timing is enabled, the device will be timed based on the local sunrise and sunset.

Smart Features